Behind Door Number 3
Well, we did it again! We installed another old door in our home! After replacing our laundry room door and our studio door, it just seemed right to replace the office door especially since they are all in the same hallway.

I love collecting things over time to make our home feel like us. I guess that means that we feel like old doors! Haha (some days, that’s true!)
We got this one for a steal…well almost. We actually traded for a lamp. It was a win win on both of our parts. The door wasn’t in the best of shape but it had so much potential. It was a bit too dark and had some water damage but you couldn’t beat the price.

One side of the door had the perfect green chippy paint which I adored and almost took my husband’s hand off when he started to peel it off! With a little sealer, it would stop the peeling.

The other side of the door was wood toned which is what I was looking for to compliment the other wood doors however it needed to be lightened.

I started out by power washing the whole door to get the dirt off of it and then I sprayed the wood side with bleach and let it sit in the sun for awhile. I rinsed it and repeated the process until it would no longer lighten up.

Overall it worked like a champ but there were some parts that just wouldn’t lighten up as much as I had wanted so I sanded those areas with a hand sander.
After the door was cleaned up and ready to be hung, we brought it inside and made the adjustments to make it fit the door frame because lets face it, these old doors aren’t just going to match up perfectly. That would be too easy!

Once it was hung, we were super pleased with how it turned out. We were looking for a door that had a solid bottom and windows on the top. Our office is a bit of a dumping ground since that is the place that I usually store the finds that are heading to shop. I love that I can shut the door and not see the mess but the windows still let the light shine though from the windows.

I still need make the doors match in color a bit more and seal them somehow but I’m still debating on what to use. Until then I will enjoy them as they are for now.
That’s what’s behind door number 3! Have a wonderful day Friends and thanks for stopping by!