Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year Friends! Bring on 2021!!! I don’t think I’ve ever celebrated a new year as much as I have this one. I have no idea what 2021 will bring to us but I have high hopes.

If I’m being honest, 2020 wasn’t terrible for us. It was incredibly different, a bit sad, totally inconvenient, a smidge lonely, etc…but I can honestly say that our family has had worse years. That’s not to say that 2020 wasn’t challenging or that I’m oblivious to how it has impacted others because praying for others has been on top of my list. As a matter of fact, this past year has had a huge impact on me. It has definitely opened my eyes to so many things. So for that, I’m grateful.

I don’t think that our country or world will be the same after 2020 and for that I’m also grateful. Sometimes the most unfortunate circumstances teach us the most valuable lessons. It has taught me to be more intentional with my actions, love a little more deeply, listen more, be a little more compassionate, forgive more, try to be more understanding, worry less and talk to God more. It has also reminded me to find joy in the little things…something that I think I lost touch with a little bit. I think when you are a doer, you forget to shut off the auto pilot sometimes and just take in what’s around you. Often times I think I was consumed with worry and wasn’t able to see the joy right in front of my face.

I’m taking a lot of what I have learned into the new year with me. Topping my list is gratitude. I’m thankful for so many things in my life including you, my friends who visit me on my blog and Instagram. You probably don’t even know how much it means to me that you take the time to drop by and say hello. You are appreciated much more than you know.

I hope 2021 is filled with the most amazing things that will turn our lives around. I hope it is filled with faith, hope and love…the greatest of these being love.

Here’s to a wonderful new year! May God bless you all!

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Sherry Adams
January 1, 2021 at 8:35 pmHello,
I enjoy your posts so much! We have a lot of commonalities. I’m a vintage lover, have a booth space in Raleigh. My first love is God, family, and friends, that are like family. Your taste in decor interests me because our tastes are similar. Looking at your spaces inspire me! You are very talented! I have visited your booth in Fuquay Varina a couple of times, and I love it. The one thing I do not enjoy as much is painting. I do it when I have too, but not my fav. Blessings to you and your family in the New Year!
Sherry Adams
Vintage Veranda Raleigh
January 1, 2021 at 9:18 pmHi Sherry!
Thank you so much for commenting! I’m so excited to have a fellow vintage lover along with the rest of what we have in common!I appreciate you visiting my booth as well. I just found where yours is and can’t wait to visit it as well! I hope one day we could meet in person! That would be fun! I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year!
Sherry Adams
January 1, 2021 at 8:38 pmI sent a reply moments ago, but wanted to request notifications of your new posts. Thank you!