Hello Stranger
Hello Friends! It’s been a long time and I send my apologies. This has been a humdinger of a year and something had to give. Unfortunately it was keeping up with the blog….but I’m back! Hopefully on a more regular basis or at least as much as I can until I find our new routine.
So much has happened this year and I won’t bore you with the details but I’ll give you a quick recap. My husband made a career change in March which was scary as heck when you’re middle aged but a huge blessing nonetheless. (Now that I’m done pooping bricks, it’s much easier to see. Haha)

I became a first time Grandma to my squishy little Grandson in June. My husband and I are over the moon. We haven’t loved anyone this much since our boys were born. It was a bumpy pregnancy full of many prayers. (I’m talking down on my knees praying!) Once again…God had blessed us. (And once again…more brick pooping.)

In August my business partner and I decided to part ways and have booths of our own. My booth, “Linen and Twigs” was born. That was so much work to get it all straightened out since we had shared a booth for 7ish years. There was a ton of stuff to sort through but I have to admit, now that’s it’s all sorted out, I’m really enjoying it!

In September I was able to quit my part time job at a law office to stay home and take care of my Grandson once my daughter in law went back to work. This is the best job of my life! He is such a blessing to our family and getting all those baby snuggles are such a perk!
These are just a few of the events that went along with the rest of our crazy life. Looking back, all the brick pooping this year had led up to where we are now. We are still trying to fall into our new routine since so much has changed but I can’t help but to thank God for all of these changes. I’m slowly learning that change isn’t a bad thing…scary, yes but not bad.
I’m looking forward to getting back to blogging and getting in touch with my friends again. Thanks for sticking around!
Love you all,