Hitting The Bricks
Hello Friends! As promised, I’m sharing an inexpensive project that cost us a small fortune. Okay, it didn’t really cost a fortune but it did cost us more than it should have. If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember when my husband and I decided to hang brick paneling board in our bedroom and laundry room.

You might also remember that while we were hanging it, a sheet of paneling slid down the wall and landed on my foot resulting in a trip to the ER and me having to wear a cast for awhile therefore delaying the completion of our project. (That is where the costly part came in…)
Once my foot healed and I was able to shimmy up and down a ladder, it was time to finish it up. I wanted to give the paneling an old tumbled brick look. There were minimal supplies needed and overall it didn’t cost that much. We found the paneling for $18 a sheet. I used three different shades of paint all of which were “oops” paints from Home Depot which usually cost about 50 cents each. The concrete patch was a little over $8 and the sponges were under $5.

I started by pouring the three paints onto an old cookie sheet and cutting a sponge in half with scissors. This makes the sponge the perfect size of the bricks.

I dabbed one side of the sponge lightly into the three colors of paints making sure not to overload the sponge. I then dabbed it onto each brick rotating the sponge as not to get the same pattern too close together.

(The black color was already stamped on the paneling.)

I repeated the process over and over until I liked the way the bricks looked.

It’s okay if the paint gets on the grout lines because that gets covered.

I was liking the looks of the bricks but I didn’t care for how unrealistic the grout looked so I grouted between each and every brick with concrete patch.

I know that seems a little crazy and overkill but it was so worth it. I much prefer real over faux but if you have to go faux, I say make it look real. It also hid the seams where the paneling met.

It also feels real now too!

So, what do you think? I still have a few things that I want to do to finish up our laundry room but for now, I’m loving the way it’s coming together.

I mentioned that we also hung the paneling in our bedroom. I almost love the way that one turned out even more. I’ll be sharing that soon as well.
Thank you so much for stopping by friends! You know it means the world to me!