Laundry Room Refresh
Hello Friends! It’s time to air some dirty laundry. I think everyone has some. I’ll have to admit, I was a bit embarrassed to share but hey, we’re all friends, right?
Today, I’m literally sharing our dirty laundry. This is one room in our house that probably works the hardest next to our kitchen and yet it went completely unnoticed. Well, maybe that’s an understatement. It was definitely noticed because I would get irritated every time I went in there but let’s just say that it was put off for way too long.

Our laundry room is by no means large but much larger than our previous one however I needed to make it more efficient. I started out by moving our mops and brooms to the brick wall.

To see a tutorial on the brick wall, click here.

They used to be along side of the washer and dryer along with extra detergents and items on the floor which just added to the clutter. I needed to add some storage space.
Over a year ago, I found a beautiful vintage wood cabinet with glass doors that I knew I wanted to use in our home one day and this was the day.

After bringing it into the house, I realized that I didn’t care for the reddish color.

I sanded it down to it’s natural aged finish and fell in love with the new color.

It provided so much storage at the touch of my fingertips and allowed everything to get off of the floor.
Next up was the wooden table top to go over the washer and dryer. I can’t tell you how many hangers and socks would get dropped behind there.

We built a simple frame out of 2×2 boards and attached them to the wall for support. Then we placed three boards (2-1×12’s and 1-1×8) cut to fit on top. We didn’t attach them to the frame to make for easy removal should we have to get behind the washer and dryer. I stained it with Minwax Early American stain using a rag to rub it on. After that dried, I gave it a quick seal coat using a matte polyurethane.

Next up was reattaching the clothes rod that we cut down to fit along side of the cabinet. I don’t know about your family but it seems that the more surface space (or rod space) the more it gets filled. Hopefully this will help with it not being used as a second closet.

The shelf was already there above the cabinet which we use to store paper towels, bleach, water, etc…

I filled the cabinet with all my soaps, dryer balls, etc using jars that I already had. After that, I happily did a few loads of laundry. It’s amazing how much one could enjoy a job when it feels good to go into a room.
What do you think of the refresh? Is your laundry room set to your liking?
*Disclosure: The plant didn’t stay there. Like I said, this is definitely a working room and there are no windows in this room so I’m pretty sure a plant wouldn’t live in there anyhow. Haha
Thanks so much for stopping by friends!