Letting Em Rip
I’m talking about shrubs people! We’re ripping them out!
After living in our house for seventeen whole years, our shrubs have finally taken over our home.

One would like to think that when you plant a shrub that it’s one and done but that is often not the case. Our shrubs had grown so big that we couldn’t even reach the middle of them when it came time for trimming. The front of our house also looked very bottom heavy and way too dense.

So with much hesitation (on my husband’s part) we decided to rip them out and transplant some smaller ones from our backyard.

I should also mention that these were not the digging-up type. They were the hook-them-up-to-the-pick-up-truck and drive fast type.

I think we had around 14 shrubs to take out so it was quite the job. I understood my husband’s hesitation.

I on the other hand had a vision in my head and 14 overgrown shrubs and the possibility of losing a bumper wasn’t going to hold me back.

Once they were out, we had some big holes to fill.
Needless to say we also had one big bon fire….make that two big bon fires.

Once we transplanted the shrubs from the backyard, we trimmed them up and mulched the rest.

We finished it off with some rocks.

I have some ideas for adding flowers here and there but for now it’s a good start.

As a side note: my husband didn’t lose the bumper to his truck either!
Have a wonderful day friends and a Very Happy Easter!