My Five Dollar Workbench
My husband (aka My Guy) and I have been yard saling together lately and let me tell you, it has been quite the adventure. I have been yard saling for years but he most recently took an interest in it and I have been really enjoying his company. I shop a lot for my booth, The Feathered Nest, at KnB’s Marketplace but I rarely keep anything that I find for myself. That is, until I found this little gem.
(Yes, that is a body under the table…That would be My Guy assessing the work.)
Now when I say little gem, that is definitely not how it started out nor is it little. Let me set the scene. It’s a blistering hot Saturday morning and My Guy and I have been yard saling for a good couple of hours and were having the best of luck. Any yard saler knows that some weekends you don’t find much of anything and other weekends, you score big! Well this was one of those score big weekends. Needless to say, our truck was packed as we pulled up to our next stop. We browsed through their goods finding a few nice things for the shop. We paid for our items and began walking towards our truck when we spotted this beat up old workbench sitting in the middle of their lawn. My Guy asks what I thought of it? I told him that it was kind of neat except that it needed some work…as in a lot of work…
and was missing a drawer…
and I didn’t like the paint color…
and the top would need to be sanded and refinished…
but other than that, I liked it. So we continued to carry our goods out to our truck. My Guy then asks me how much I thought they were asking for it? Setting my goods down, I walked back up the driveway and asked the gentleman how much he was asking for the workbench. He told me five dollars since he didn’t want to haul it back inside. I motioned “five dollars” to My Guy and he gives me a wave telling me to get it. A little reluctant as to what I just got myself into, we carry it back to our truck. Remember when I said that our truck was already packed? Well I didn’t remember that until we got back to our truck. We unloaded everything in our truck onto the road and reloaded it fitting every last thing in like a puzzle piece. We even got a round of applause from other yard salers that were impressed with our packing skills.
Upon returning home, My Guy and I pried our finds out of our truck and then the fun began. Stay tuned for part two of our story.