My Little Squish
This guy….this guy is my everything! He’s 7 1/2 months of pure joy!!!
I was over the moon when my son and daughter in law told us that they were going to have a baby. Like any first time grandma would do, I couldn’t help but to dream of all that the future would hold. I couldn’t wait for the day when they found out if he was going to be a boy or a girl.
I told my son to call me as soon as they found out even though I had to work that day. When my phone rang, I grabbed it and ran outside so I could hear better. I didn’t want to miss a thing. What I didn’t expect to hear was the scared tone in my son’s voice. The kind of tone that makes you want to hug him like when he was little to make things all better. I could tell that he was trying to be strong but I could tell that something was wrong. We did find out that My Little Squish was a little boy. We also found out that he had extra tissue taking up otherwise healthy lung space also known as C-PAM.
The only other thing I remember about that day was going into the bathroom at work and dropping to my knees begging God to please heal this baby. I was already in love and hadn’t even met him yet.
What would follow would be very numerous scans to keep an eye on how fast the tissue was growing in comparison to his body and lungs. If it grew faster than him or shifted, it could press on his heart and he could go into cardiac arrest. His birth would come with much anxiety of the unknown. Week after week and month after month we waited for the next report as to how things were progressing. I was so worried about that little guy and equally as worried about my son and daughter in law as they endured this scary journey.
The more the pregnancy went on, the more I was convinced that this little guy was a total rockstar. He proved me right. My daughter in law had gotten into a car accident (not of her fault) which landed her in the hospital for a weekend having contractions but way too early for the little one to make his grand entrance.
Then came the phone call in the middle of the night…”Mom…she’s in labor…” (insert the happy dance like you would do on a Friday night knowing that MTV music videos were coming on that night…clearly, my dating game wasn’t very strong.) Once again, down on my knees as I did so many times throughout this journey. “God, please bring him into this world without complications…”
After many hours of labor, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and a cesarean, my little Superman was born. I’m here to tell you, I went into the full blown ugly cry. This beautiful hunk of baby was here. My Little Squish was here.
We knew that he still had the C-PAM condition and that it would have to be taken care of when he was older and stronger. That day is here.
So here I am asking for prayer which is quite funny. (A little back story: One of my very best friends said that she would pray for me years ago when I was going through some rough times…I told her not to pray for me because she had enough troubles of her own. In my mind, I didn’t want to inconvenience her since she had so much going on in her life. Note to self…don’t ever tell a sweet southern friend to “not” pray for you! Luckily, she’s still my bestie and will probably never let me live that down.
So…I have now learned that prayer is one of the greatest gifts a person can receive. I’m also learning what a gift it is to be able to request it. Although I’m still not super comfortable asking for prayer, this is different…This is for my guy…this is for My Little Squish. If you wouldn’t mind, would you please pray for a successful surgery, a speedy recovery and peace and comfort for my son and daughter in law as they have been through so much.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Love you all!!!